Madrid, 28th - 30th Sept 2016

Madrid, 28th - 30th Sept 2016
Since our first congress in London we have made a long trip via Italy, France, Slovakia and Romania, according to the very principles of a European society devoted to the wide field of minimal invasive surgical procedures for children. During our journey, we have managed to stay on track by ensuring our educational programs focused on updated techniques while maintaining reasonable costs and attendee fees. Our Executive Boards successfully worked to increase not only our audiency but also our respectability thanks to the appropriate care given to scientific topics and treasury management. All tremendous challenges indeed, we must be very grateful to the founders, to the successive board members and also to the local organizers for these achievements.
2016 will see the return of ESPES to a western country, Spain, a country speaking the second most spoken language in the world. This location is especially attractive for our Portuguese friends nearby. It is also an open door for Central and South America who have European and Iberic roots as well. We are hoping for numerous new participants, thanks to the careful management of our website and administration. Once again, we would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all the effort and progress provided by our team and the Secretariat from the very beginning. However ESPES only exists because of your faith in it.
Philippe Montupet Juan C. de Agustin
ESPES President ESPES Congress President
Welcome to Madrid
Copyright: European Society of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons